The Next Anthology Weekend is
Feb 15th – Feb 18th
All online, all free to participate
What are Anthology Weekends?
Have you ever wanted to get a bunch of friends together and just play games all weekend? That’s the philosophy of our Anthology Weekends. But our friends – and friends we’ve not met yet – are all over the world, which makes it tough to get together. The solution is a weekend of online games, run across various different times to reach as many timezones as we can.
Lots of games, lots of opportunities to hang out and play games with great people – and if they aren’t already your friends, they soon will be.
Anthology Weekends are open to everyone, regardless of skill level and we’ll do our very best to make sure that you have a fantastic time whether you can just join for one game or a whole bunch!
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of games will be played?
The great thing about an anthology is it can include all types of stories! They can be silly or serious, fantasy or science fiction. They can be Dungeons and Dragons or… something else. The truth is we don’t know, we’ll work it out as people sign up, but there’s going to be variety.
Do I need anything special to play?
All of our games will be played through web browsers, with audio/video chat capabilities. In a few specific cases, you may be asked to install a browser extension to help facilitate some game systems, but for the most part a computer, a browser, a microphone and optionally a web camera and you’re good to go!
Is this really free?
We love games and we want to hang out with people and run games for them. So yes, it’s free (as long as we can keep pulling it off for free!). This originally started as a plan for Luke’s 40th birthday party, but we couldn’t get the logistics in place in time. We took the idea into 2024, and we want to keep doing this if we possibly can!
The signup form is really in-depth, and I don’t know what half this stuff means – is that ok?
It’s totally fine if you don’t know much about what’s going on with the form – only the essentials are required. The extra details are there for the folks who do know a bit or a lot to tell us more about how we can best ensure they have a great time – but we’re pretty confident you’ll have fun regardless!